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A1 Crack Repair
& Sons
A1 Crack Repair & Sons Logo sm Logo
A1 Crack Repair
& Sons
(443) 309-6799
Licensed & Insured Concrete Wall & Cinderblock Crack Repair Expert

Crack in Poured Concrete Foundation

Crack in a poured concrete foundation

Mud marks on the crack indicating a leak

Water marks indicating a leak where a crack is located

Crack was injected with a polyurethane epoxy and permanently sealed

Polyurethane epoxy injection

Well Line Leak Repair in Poured Concrete Foundation

Leaking well line in a poured concrete foundation

Water stains and mud stains indicating a leaking well line

Water and mud stains from a leaking well line

Well line repair. Repaired by a two part epoxy around the fitting of the PVC and concrete. Injected with a hydrophobic polyurethane to expand through the foundation and give a permanent seal.

Poured Concrete Foundation Leaking Crack Repair

Flex seal used as a short term solution. Eventually our client had water coming through this patch and needed it to be repaired.

The underlying crack causing the leak

Repaired leaking crack by polyurethane epoxy injection for a permanent seal

Poured Foundation Basement Crack Repair

Chalk markings showing where the water was penetrating the crack

Moisture from the crack causing the insulation to stick to the wall. This is a common sign of cracks that have been leaking.

Crack has been repaired by polyurethane epoxy injection